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The air has cooled in the morning and evening.((><))When I thought, there was snow piled up on Mt. Fuji! ! It seems to be snowfall a little earlier than usual, and it seems to be a severe cold this winter.('·ω·')Mt. Hoei who came out of Fuji is cute♥Mt. Fuji in front of the ♪ restaurant Recently, clouds are often stuck and I can't see it, but somehow I managed to put my head out(*^ ^*)#Buffet Restaurant Fujisan #富士山 #初冠雪 #朝霧高原Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.
昨日の空ですが、雨が降ってなかったのにきれいな虹をスタッフが発見してくれました 虹を見ることは様々ないい意味があるようです 願いが叶うといわれていたり、新しいことに挑戦するための後押しであったりと、見た人を幸せにしてくれる 虹ってスゴイ みなさまにもいいこといっぱいありますように #ビュッフェレストランふじさん #あさぎりフードパーク #バイキング #ランチバイキング #地産地消 #地元野菜 #お昼ご飯 #朝霧高原 #静岡県 #富士宮市 #富士山 #虹 #幸せ Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。
It's been a chilly day.I wonder if it's finally starting to feel like autumn?? Autumn is the autumn of appetite. I'll show you a dessert suitable for such a flat season. Blueberry & Cream Cheese Pound Cake/ Top Left Luxury Pound Cake with Sweet and Sour Blueberry Jam and Horned Cream CheeseThe balance of sweetness, salty taste, and acidity is exquisite, and it is delicious until it seems to be good even if it is a dessert after a meal. Blueberry jam and cream cheese are the best combination, isn't it? Cafe Mokasiphon Cake / Bottom Right This Fall Chiffon Cake Is A Little Otona Taste Recommended gem that the sweetness of the chocolate chip is glad to the dough of the fragrant and a little bitter coffee flavor It goes well with soft serve ice cream. #Buffet Restaurant Fuji-san #あさぎりフードパーク #バイキング #ランチバイキング #地産地消 #地元野菜 #お昼ご飯 #朝霧高原 #静岡県 #富士宮市 #富士山 #富士宮ランチ #富士宮グルメ #秋 #新メニュー #グルメ男子 #グルメ女子.. read more
The residual heat is still severe, but in the cooking corner, it is gradually becoming a autumn pattern. "Fritto di Trota (Fritto of the Rainbow Bowl / Top Right)" The rainbow bowl familiar with Fujinomiya's specialty products was finished in a fluffy frit. The fragrant balsamic sauce is on it, so you can enjoy it refreshingly. "Cotta di Maiale Pomodoro (tomato stew of autumn eggplant and pork shoulder loin / lower left)" Soft and delicious autumn eggplant stewed slowly with pork shoulder loin with plenty of umami, it is a gem of pride that the deliciousness of vegetables and meat blended full Please enjoy it by all means. #Buffet Restaurant Fuji-san #あさぎりフードパーク #バイキング #ランチバイキング #地産地消 #地元野菜 #お昼ご飯 #朝霧高原 #静岡県 #富士宮市 #富士山 #富士宮ランチ #富士宮グルメ #秋 #新メニュー #グルメ男子 #グルメ女子 #ガッツリ #満腹 #いただきます #ごちそうさま.. read more
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