


Today's Mt. Fuji

2021April 30 -

Unfortunately, it was fine yesterday, but it was ♪♪ the best weather today, and Mt. Fuji seems to have snowed a little, so you can see it beautifully!(^-^)LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.


Corona measures! !

2021April 27, 2010

As a measure against the new coronavirus infection, we ask you to wear a mask, disinfect alcohol before entering the cooking corner, and wear gloves on the side of tong use. In addition, in order to make everyone enjoy a safe meal, we will also take measures against corona as much as possible at the cooking corner, and we are waiting for everyone to visit! #Buffet Restaurant Fujisan #Asagiri Food Park#Lunch Buffet#Shizuoka#Fujinomiya City#Asagiri Kogen#Mt. Fuji#Restaurant where You Can See Mt. Fuji#Local Production for Local Consumption#Local Vegetables#Fujinomiya Lunch#Fujinomiya Gourmet Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.



2021April 26 -


4月26日月曜日 午後貸切となります。

4月26日月曜日 午後貸切となります。

2021April 24 -

4月26日月曜日は、午後より貸切となりますのでランチ受付は13:00で終了となります。 大変ご迷惑をお掛け致しますがご了承くださいますようお願い申し上げます。Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。



2021April 20, 2010



Full buffet resumed!!

2021April 19 -

Thank you very much for waiting.(^O^)16We have resumed the full buffet from the day!! We thoroughly take measures against infection so that everyone can enjoy their meals happily and safely. In addition, you can see Mt. Fuji beautifully in today's fine weather♪♪ We are looking forward to your visit so that you can have a fun meal while looking at Mt. Fuji! ! #Buffet Restaurant Fujisan #Asagiri Food Park#Lunch Buffet#Shizuoka#Fujinomiya City#Asagiri Kogen#Mt. Fuji#Restaurant where You Can See Mt. Fuji#Local Production for Local Consumption#Local Vegetables#Fujinomiya Lunch#Fujinomiya Gourmet Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.


The buffet will resume tomorrow!


We will finally resume full buffet style business from tomorrow ☆ We are taking measures to reduce the number of seats and ensure social distance, alcohol spraying, installation of splash prevention sheets, etc. so that everyone can enjoy meals with peace of mind. Please use (*^^*) #ビュッフェレストランふじさん #あさぎりフードパーク #バイキング #ランチバイキング #地産地消 #地元野菜 #お昼ご飯 #朝霧高原 #静岡県 #富士宮市 #富士山 #富士宮ランチ #富士宮グルメ #グルメ男子 #グルメ女子 #ガッツリ #満腹 #いただきます Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.